Monday, March 28, 2011

Long time No Spring!

Well, I have finally gotten back to my photo blog. I have had two rolls waiting to be developed for a month now. Maybe, more! So I get them back today and one roll is completely ruined! I'm still really mad! But I will get it taken care of. So until then I have one good roll and I had fun getting them ready for the blog!

Spring is trying so hard to come around! The boys have been outside and it tried, and failed, to snow this weekend. So without further a due her are the photos I wanted to add.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Around the Neighborhood

We really love our town and neighborhood. These are a few pics of things I enjoyed!

These were branches out by the road I saw on my walk!

I love this concrete dog! It is a few houses up at a friend of ours house. They are from GA, and go to our church!

Remember the honey I showed us extracting a blog or so ago? Well this is the jar of it I got to bring home! It is so yummy!

Friday, September 24, 2010

More pictures Finally!

So I have had some of these pictures for a while now. I just haven't gotten around to making them look their best. I have finished some that I took, with my SLR camera when we went to DC a month back! Let me know what you thing!

I have a few more that I will post as soon as I edit them! Hope these are good! But personally I loved these!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer Splashing

We have never had a pool of our own, but we've always managed to stay cool during these hot days of summer. I knowing did the worst thing you could do taking pictures. I took them during the middle of the day with no shade! So most of them weren't what I wanted at all but I got a few good ones and I got to practice some more, and that's good too!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Playing around

Like most photographers half the fun is seeing what you can do with your images after you've taken them. So The are some I played with before posting. Again they are going to look grainy...cause they are! It's hard to compete with the expectation of digital but there is something about the grain in film that I still love!

Title: Baby blues

Title: Puppy Love

Title: My Eyes

Title: A Painting

In the beginning

I have decided that I really have missed my camera. And after thinking about it more i still love my rolls of film more than digital. I know, I know, it doesn't give you the sparkling clarity that comes with digital. And I do have a digital camera. And one day I will get a Digital SLR. But for now I am still madly in love with my Nikon, plain ole, SLR. So I won't usually write this much before I post my pictures, but there is one or two things you need to keep in mind before looking at the pictures. Film photography tends to look grainier than digital. There are no pixels to cause super zoom. Just me my film, (light and graphite) and my fun lenses. Then I do put them on CD to show them to you and, of course, play with!